
Showing posts from January, 2018

A visit from a Huntsman Spider

Pop was looking out the dining room window when he spotted this little beauty... Huntsman spiders are frequent visitors to Grandma and Pops' house. However they don't usually knock on the door, just slide under it! Sometimes they even enter cars and scuttle across the windscreen! How many legs do they have? Spotted  Saturday 8th January 2018 Pages  46-47 in The Big Book of Bugs

The Big Book of Bugs

All the bugs in this blog can be found in this great book Beetle Ladybird Butterfly Moth Ant Bee Termite Fly Dragonfly Centipede Cricket Grasshopper Stick Insect Praying Mantis Pond bug Snail Earthworm Spider Cockroach Dust Mite Always be kind to bugs. LOOK but DON'T TOUCH!

Is it a grasshopper?

This strange bug in the garden in Kiama has a long weird thing attached to the lower art of its body. Could it be a leaf? Or is it camouflage? Spotted Monday 8th January 2018 Pages 34-35 in The Big Book of Bugs

Is this a butterfly?

Grandma and Lucas sa w this small butterfly flying around in the garden. Or is it a moth? Spotted January ‎3, ‎2018 Pages 16-17 in  The Big Book of Bugs Here is a video of a breeding pair of white cabbage butterflies... Do all caterpillars turn into butterflies and moths? Metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly

Pop's lettuce attacked!

Cripes! A small black egg has been spotted on Pop's green lettuce by Grandma and Lucas. Will it hatch into a great big greedy caterpillar? Fortunately there is plenty of lettuce for both Pop and the caterpillars! Spotted  January ‎3, ‎2018 Pages  16-17 in  The Big Book of Bugs

A caterpillar on the Cumquat

On 2nd January Grandma and Lucas found a caterpillar on a cumquat tree at the front of the house. The caterpillar is getting very fat eating all those green leaves! Spotted  January ‎3, ‎2018 Pages  17 in  The Big Book of Bugs

A snail?

Lucas took this photo in Bonner . Is this a snail? (See pages 42-43 in The Big Book of Bugs ) Spotted  January ‎6, ‎2018 Pages  42-43 in  The Big Book of Bugs

A dragonfly rescued!

Nick and Lucas found this dragonfly in their bathroom at Bonner . They released it into the garden and it flew away. (See pages 30-31 of  The Big Book of Bugs ) Spotted  January ‎7, ‎2018 Pages  30-31 in  The Big Book of Bugs

Stick Insect

Here is a giant stick insect we saw just outside our house at Kiama on 2nd January 2018. It was HUGE. (See pages 36-37 of The Big Book of Bugs ) Nick and Lucas had a close look. Lucas looks a bit scared! Spotted  January ‎2, ‎2018 Pages  36-37 in  The Big Book of Bugs